
Utensil Bank

According to the report of the United Nations, today the world is facing a huge challenge of plastic waste because every year about 350 million metric tons of plastic waste is generated all over the world and this will increase to almost three times by the year 2060. UN's Sustainable Development Goal 2030 According to this, it has been said that the entire world will be freed from this plastic waste.Being a part of this UN campaign, I tried to make my panchayat plastic free and established a utensil bank in my panchayat so that the villagers now use steel utensils instead of plastic in wedding ceremonies. Since the establishment of the Steel Utensil Bank in our village, we have prevented about 15 tonnes of plastic from being produced. At present there are 2.39 lakh Gram Panchayats in our country, according to which if this experiment is implemented all over India, then about 1000 tonnes of plastic waste can be prevented every year.